Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Joy of Working in the Summer

There are some who take the summer as a season for rest and relaxation. For me, the past 30 years has meant getting up at 5 AM and walking the fields seeing what is new and then deciding what to cross. The above was a pleasant surprise, a cross from 2010 which I knew had some potential but not quite this much.

It is a 48" tall plant with 4 to 6 branches and 6 buds per branch with 6" flowers. It manages to just shout out from the Garden that it is there. It seems to be a strong grower and I found a chipmunk climbing the scapes this AM.

Thus for those Academics who seek solace in the summer there are those of us who see it as the most productive season, albeit blocking ourselves from the sun to keep the skin from too much damage.

It looks like we are beginning to see Summer, yet about two weeks later than usual.