Saturday, November 23, 2013

Independent Scotland

The BBC reports on an independent Scotland by March 2016. They state:

Scotland could be independent on 24 March, 2016, if voters back leaving the UK in the independence referendum, the Deputy First Minister has announced.

The date is included in the Scottish government's White Paper, described as a "blueprint" for independence.

Despite that a Catholic still cannot be the Prime Minister and Catholics still have limited rights in the Occupied Counties. They continue:

March 24 is also the anniversary of the Union of the Crowns in 1603. 

A Scotland Office spokesman said: "Naming the date of independence ahead of a referendum result would only weaken the Scottish government's negotiating position if Scotland voted to leave the UK. 

"People in Scotland still don't know the full terms the Scottish government would try to negotiate but the 28 members of the EU, Nato and the rest of the UK would all know that for the Scottish government the date is more important than the deal.

But Ireland has been dominated by the English since the Pope used the fraudulent Donation of Constantine to allow Henry II to donate it to his less than balanced son John.Good luck to the Scots!