Monday, January 30, 2012

How Dumb is Google

Now there has been a great flap about Google and its new "privacy" policy. Now privacy can be expected if one just takes oneself from society, the old right to be left alone. Well not anymore with the health care law but that was a tale for another day. No, I am talking about Google gathering info and pushing it on other web sites to continue the sales process. So for example I needed a new sump pump a few months ago. I did a search, and then on almost every web site or blog there were the ads for the same pump. Again and again.

But stupid Google, I bought the stupid thing already, so stop it. I am not buying a dozen sump pumps, there on my weather site, on blogs, etc. I also looked at a jacket, then whamo, it appears on the weather site again, and other sites I see for the first time. Ah, the joy of cookies. But poor Google, I did not like the jacket so I never bought it and in addition I got to hate it more each time they targeted an ad.

Now for searching, they must think I have a lapsing memory. If I ask for something the first ten references are mine! I know what I wrote, I want to see more. So off to Bing.

You see, Google wants to please me, or so they say, and the result is that they are like a nagging mother, eat your peas!

One must be careful, for a one trick pony they must not annoy the audience with the trick by spitting in the face of those paying. Remember if all else fails listen to the customer.