Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You Really Cannot Make This Up!

The USDA and the current Administration were ready to deliver the Christmas Tree Tax, says The Hill.

They state:

The Obama administration is delaying implementation of a new Christmas tree tax that has provoked conservative fury. 

A White House spokesman said the U.S. Department of Agriculture would revisit the issue after several Republican lawmakers criticized the proposed 15-cent-per-tree tax, which would have been paid by producers and importers of Christmas trees. 

The White House also pushed back at the idea it was proposing a Christmas tree tax.

Now how dumb does one have to become. Yes it is a $0.15 tax per tree but the cost to collect those taxes will be monumental. Forms, forms and more forms. This is the USDA for God's sake, do you have any clue how many forms they have, I do since I had gone through the USDA loan process, and then walked. If you do not fill in the forms you are out of business.

Now the people in DC want to put the Boy Scouts out of business, I knew they hated the Scouts but this is a bit too much.

Where is Robespierre when we really need him?